OCR Solution Suite for Electorate Management

Unique OCR aided solution Desktop & Browser based Software for Election Managers


The customer, an election management entity, wanted to create a solution that allowed it an editable list of electorates based on publicly available listings irrespective of language and then expand that into innovative offerings for its clientele


Powered by latest technologies around Google Tesseract and Python based computer vision, Velectico created an unique solution to read electorate listings irrespective of formats, languages and scripts.

The solution was tested for data of least 16 states at various levels of electorates - local, state & central

Leveraging the information Velectico then built a diverse CRM system for the customer which allowed complete end to end management of the entire electorate management process.

In addition to CRM, the customer also built fringe solutions like personalized voter pamphlets & cut-outs which have seen great response from its clientele.


  • 80% reduction in manual effort
  • Unique USP and brand value for the customer
  • 100% increase in clientele for customer for the last 6 months

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